What’s A Social Enterprise?



A social enterprise is a revenue-generating business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to deliver profit to shareholders and owners.


As a social enterprise, Trillium offers the accountability and transparency you see in a public organization with the flexibility and responsiveness you see in a private enterprise. Our investment in the community focus on the following:


  • Training opportunities for the people/families/agencies we work with to enhance their leadership skills to make a positive impact towards system change leading to the betterment of, what we consider one of society’s most vulnerable* people.

  • Funding support for organizations to do Strategic Planning Projects that enhance their capacity or the capacity of a sector towards creating systemic change for the betterment of vulnerable people.

  • Technology that enhances the lives of the people who are the recipients of services.


Vulnerable People – while there are many groups of vulnerable people for the purpose of our giving we define ‘vulnerable’ as people with a functional, cognitive or intellectual impairment that makes one reliant on a caregiver for daily support.